Deniz Kılınç / İstanbul, May 4 (DHA) – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) joint two day workshop on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework has raised awareness on the refugee pro
İstanbul, March 19 (DHA) - Turkey has fulfilled its obligations regarding a 2016 deal signed between Turkey and the European Union to curb the flow of irregular migrants, Turkey’s EU Affairs Ministry has said on its official Twitter account on the second
Merve DÜNDAR - Özgür KUMANOVALI /İSTANBUL,(DHA)- Mülteci sorununa dikkat çekmek amacıyla 'Kendini Mültecinin Yerine Koy- Put Yourself in a Refugee’s Shoes' isimli Erasmus Plus projesinde bir araya gelen Türk, İtalyan, Romen, Bulgarve Portekizli öğrenciler
Merve DÜNDAR - Özgür KUMANOVALI /İSTANBUL,(DHA)- Mülteci sorununa dikkat çekmek amacıyla 'Kendini Mültecinin Yerine Koy- Put Yourself in a Refugee’s Shoes' isimli Erasmus Plus projesinde bir araya gelen Türk, İtalyan, Romen, Bulgarve Portekizli öğrenciler