Deniz Kılınç / İstanbul, May 4 (DHA) – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) joint two day workshop on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework has raised awareness on the refugee pro
Mergim Özdamar / Istanbul, Jan 17 (DHA) – United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has warned that the health and safety of more than 520 thousand Rohingya children living in overcrowded camps and informal settlements in Bangladesh
İSTANBUL, (DHA)-EĞİTİM amaçlı, akademik nitelikli bir Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) simülasyonu olan MUN (Model United Nations) Model Birleşmiş Milletler, dünya gençliğinin daha donanımlı yetişmesi; tartışan, soruşturan ve öğrenen nesiller yetiştirebilme vizyo
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