Hilal Sarı / İstanbul, 16 Haziran (DHA) – Çin ulusal haber ajansı Xinhua ABD Başkanı Donald Trump ve küresel ekonomiye zarar vereceği öngörülen korumacı önlemlerini “Bilge adamlar köprü, aptallar duvar inşa eder” sözleriyle eleştirdi
Istanbul, May 4 (DHA) - The state of emergency “should be lifted” and imprisoned journalists should be released ahead of the upcoming elections on June 24, the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC) said in a statement to mark World Press Freedom Day
Istanbul, May 3 (DHA) - The main opposition leader has hinted that Turkey’s top soldier and chief presidential advisor threatened former President Abdullah Gül not to run for presidency and has called on them to make a clear statement about the alleged me
İstanbul, Nov 9 (DHA) – Turkey’s Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said he has shown pictures to his United States counterpart, James Mattis, proving that the weapons given by the Pentagon to the People’s Protection Units (YPG) have been used to kill Turk