Istanbul, Dec
Celal Sönmez / London, Nov
Istanbul, Oct
Hilal Sarı / Istanbul, August 13 (DHA) - Borsa Istanbul have extended the newly-implemented “uptick rule” to the broad BIST100 index of companies, starting from August 14
Istanbul, June 25 (DHA) - The Council today adopted a regulation on monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions as well as fuel consumption of new heavy-duty vehicles
Istanbul, May 22 (DHA) - The EU Council today adopted a decision setting 23 to 26 May 2019 as the dates for the next European Parliament elections
Istanbul, May 22 (DHA) - Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has affirmed the Baa2 senior secured debt rating, Baa3 senior unsecured debt rating and Prime -3 commercial paper rating of Kraft Heinz Foods Company and affiliates ("Kraft Heinz")
Deniz Kılınç / İstanbul, May 7 (DHA) – Moody’s Investor’s Service has assigned Motor Fuel Group’s corporate family rating as B2