25 Haziran 2018 13:15
Istanbul, June 25 (DHA) – All sectoral confidence indices declined in May, according to Turkish Statistical Institute data. Seasonally adjusted confidence index which was 92 for services in May decreased by 0.8 percent in June to 91.2. Retail trade confidence index decreased by 2.8 percent in June to 94.4. construction confidence index which was 77.2 in previous month decreased by 2.4 percent in June to 75.3.
In the statement made by Turkish Statistical Institute, following remarks were made;
“Services confidence index realized as 91.2
“Seasonally adjusted confidence index which was 92 for services in May decreased by 0.8 percent in June to 91.2. This decrease in the services confidence index stemmed from the decreased number of managers evaluating “business situation” as improved and “demand-turnover” as increased over the past three months. The number of managers expecting an increase in “demand-turnover” over the next three months increased.
“In services sector; business situation and demand-turnover indices decreased by 5.6 percent and 3.3 percent respectively compared to the previous month while demand-turnover expectation index increased by 5.5 percent.
“Retail trade confidence index realized as 94.4
“Seasonally adjusted retail trade confidence index decreased by 2.8 percent in June to 94.4. This downswing in the retail trade confidence index resulted from the decreased number of managers evaluating improved “business activity-sales” over the past three months and “current volume of stock” as below normal for the season. The number of managers expecting an improvement in “business activity-sales” over the next three months increased.
“In retail trade sector; business activity-sales and current volume of stock indices decreased by 9.3 percent and 3.1 percent respectively compared to the previous month while business activity-sales expectation index increased by 3.4 percent.
“Construction confidence index realized as 75.3
“Seasonally adjusted construction confidence index which was 77.2 in previous month decreased by 2.4 percent in June to 75.3. This decrease in the construction confidence index stemmed from the decreased number of managers evaluating “current overall order books” as above normal for the season and expecting an increase in “total employment” over the next three months.
“In construction sector; current overall order books and total employment expectation indices decreased by 5.1 percent and 0.4 percent respectively compared to the previous month.”
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