
China's Xi Jinping calls for reform implementation

Istanbul, Dec

18 Aralık 2018 12:55

Istanbul, Dec. 18 (DHA) - Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the implementation of reforms but offered no new specific measures in a highly anticipated speech that marked the 40th anniversary of China\'s move towards market liberalisation.
In a speech lasting nearly an hour-and-a-half, Xi called for support of the state economy while also guiding the development of the private sector, and said China will expand efforts at opening up and ensure the implementation of major reforms.
\"We must, unswervingly, reinforce the development of the state economy while, unswervingly, encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-state economy\" Xi said.
Xi was speaking on the day China marked as the 40th anniversary of the start of campaign of \"reform and opening up,\" which led to explosive industrial growth that made China\'s economy the world\'s second-largest.

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